Waste Management

Ensuring a Sustainable Future

Stay in control by using the Sea2Cradle Ship Recycling Waste Balance methodology.


In addition to recycling projects and our related waste management responsibilities, Sea2Cradle also manages projects concerning hazardous waste management from salvaged and burnt vessels and their cargo.

A proven track record

With our solid track record, we’re adept at tackling any challenges that may arise during a project. By partnering with us, you benefit from our vast experience and can rest assured that your ship recycling requirements are met in the best and most responsible way.

Track record (as of Q1 2023)

Projects Completed
Ships Recycled
Offshore Units Recycled
IHMs Developed


Vessels and rigs are valuable resources for secondary metals and other used equipment, but these materials also contain hazardous substances required for the proper functioning of the equipment or accumulated during years of operation. Asbestos, Ozone Depleting Substances in cooling systems, wall bound Mercury in tanks and piping; it goes without saying that these materials must be handled with constant care for the environment and the people working at the yard.

With our Ship Recycling Waste Balance methodology, we track and record all hazardous substances and waste flows to final disposal, providing tangible evidence of environmentally sound waste management and regulatory compliance.

Avoid liabilities and reputational damage

Proper waste management is essential for responsible and compliant recycling. This does not stop at the gates of the recycling yard. As a ship- or rig owner, you are legally responsible as the waste producer. To protect people and the environment, and to avoid any future liabilities or reputational damage, you must assure yourself that all waste is treated according to international regulations and industry standards.